Becoming a Wikipedian

Wikipedia is referred to this mass of information that has been collected becoming articles for general information of diverse amounts topics and and some summaries of in depth topics in the scientific community. Despite this wikipedia is not used in papers directly but rather as a way to do a quick check on few details.Continue reading “Becoming a Wikipedian”

Primary Peer-Reviewed, Secondary, and Tertiary Papers

Primary papers are studied that are directly from the researcher, these types of papers have the original researchers methodology, results acquired from their experiments that which is subject to interpretation and in the writings explaining what was observed. These papers are then reviewed among their peers, hence the the term “Peer reviewed”, the papers areContinue reading “Primary Peer-Reviewed, Secondary, and Tertiary Papers”

UN Report: Nature’s Decline

In the current year the extinction rate has been rising rapidly, with some species unable to recover as population continue to decline. This can be mostly associated with humans, as we continue to develop and our civilization progresses, we tend to inflict damage on the ecosystems whether we realize it or not. As the humanContinue reading “UN Report: Nature’s Decline”

Article from the year 1998- Biodiversity model

This article looks at the effect of plants in an ecosystem specifically how the loss of the loss of plant diversity affect an ecosystem. In this paper, the plants are observed in an ecosystem looking at nutrient uptake. It was speculated that higher plant biodiversity may pose a competition among the themselves and result inContinue reading “Article from the year 1998- Biodiversity model”

Tansley, 1917 – The missing portion of the scientific report

A question was posed of which of the species of Gallum grew better. This was formulated in refined title that became came known today as “Competition between Galium saxtile and Galium Sylvestre Poll “. This entailed in observing the shoot and root growth of the species in multiple soils. The soils that would studied areContinue reading “Tansley, 1917 – The missing portion of the scientific report”

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